Monday, August 31, 2009
Open Letter to Coach Rod

Sunday, August 30, 2009
Michigan Football Allegations, the Free Press, and its Agenda

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Is Rich Rod a Michigan Man?
The Original Michigan Man

You could trace the origins of Michigan Men back to Fritz Crisler and Fielding Yost, but the man who both coined and defined that term was Bo Schembechler. Bo turned around a football program that was struggling to live up to its once found tradition. He won games, but more importantly, he did it the right way. He not only developed great football players, but he developed great people... he turned boys into Michigan Men.
Lloyd Carr did the same. At Carr's final team banquet, he became only the second non-football player (Bo was the first) to receive the "M" ring that is given to all seniors. On that night, Adam Kraus said that Lloyd was "not just a coach, but a maker of men." Michigan Men.
What was never made public was that before his death, Bo had a short list of coaches he wanted at Michigan. First was Kirk Ferentz. Second was Rich Rodriguez. There is no doubt in my mind that Bo would not have supported Rich Rod if he did not believe he was a true Michigan Man. We won't know for years whether Rodriguez will fulfill that legacy, but we can examine the things that make a Michigan Man and how Rodriguez fits that description.

At West Virginia, Rich Rodriguez proved that academics were important to him. His teams were always among the leaders in GPA in the Big East. This particular article shows Rodriguez's passion towards academics. One particular excerpt reads:
“More than 45 guys on our team had a GPA of over 3.0,” he said. “That’s the first time that’s ever happened in the history of West Virginia football.” He said there is a wall in the football offices that has pictures of all the players who get over 3.0. “The only way you can get your picture on that wall is to go over 3.0. The players come to me and tell me, ‘Coach, I’m going to be over 3.0. I’m going to get on that wall this semester.’ Whatever motivates them, I’m going to try and do.”
In 2008, the Michigan football team set a record for their highest GPA in the program's 130 year history. Coming to Michigan, the best thing any of these football players can do is graduate. Coming from someone who just graduated from the University of Michigan, the amount of doors that degree opens up is priceless. If Rodriguez can continue to strive for high academic standards and high graduation rates, he will have helped the student-athletes more than anything he could do on the football field.

Recruiting Integrity
For those who don't follow recruiting closely, there is a "silent period" in which coaches aren't allowed to directly contact potential recruits. Under Lloyd Carr, Michigan always seemed to lose their position with recruits during this period, obviously because he followed the no-contact rules. When Rodriguez first came to Michigan, his recruiting came into question because he "stole" a few recruits from fellow Big Ten coaches. But, he did nothing wrong during that time. Yet, this year, Michigan lost ground with one recruit in particular. When his fellow Michigan recruits explained the situation to him, the recruit reported that Michigan had bolted to the top of his board. Recruiting with integrity draws kids who value integrity.
Another common recruiting tactic is referred to as negative recruiting. Rather than selling their school, the coach points out negative aspects of opposing programs to negatively impact the recruit's interest in that school. Urban Meyer is notorious for doing this. In fact, he was at it again recently. Here's a comment regarding 5-star defensive tackle Sharrif Floyd on why Floyd recently cooled on Penn State:
“The staff there (at Florida) spent a lot of time talking about how many players get in trouble at Penn State and how it’s not a good place to be,” the source continued. “That is when (Sharrif) got worried about that kind of stuff and really cooled on them.”

Now, here's a comment from a freshman's dad who was recruited by Rich Rodriguez:
"Michigan never did any negative recruiting. When we met coach Rod and Frey, they said, "we play the best players, be it a freshman or a senior. If you come to Michigan you will compete each week for the opportunity to play. Yhere are no guarantees here. What Michigan can offer you is the finest education you can get and the opportunity to play football."
Makers of Men
As stated earlier, making Michigan Men is what Bo and Lloyd were so great at. While it's impossible to predict whether Rich Rod will do that, his emphasis on academics and integrity make it easy to believe that he's going to be committed to developing not only good players but good people. Just today, Rodriguez commented on Jason Forcier, a player who he never has nor never will coach:
"He is going to get into the ‘real world’ sort of speak and he’s a great young man and he’ll have success. I don’t know which area he is going into, but I’m going to be someone to try to help because I just think that this guy is going to have great success in this business world.”
Forcier was attempting to join the football team but wasn't allowed to for logistical reasons. Yet, Rodriguez is committed to helping him succeed in his future. Rich Rodriguez does not owe Jason Forcier anything. But, he wants to help a kid who he thinks can be successful. Rodriguez also recognizes his potential, which is an asset in and of itself.
I am confident that the ability of Rodriguez to recognize potential both on and off the field will be something that will lead to future success as both a football coach and a Michigan Man. Integrity? He has it. Just give the guy a chance. Someday, in the very near future, Rich Rodriguez will make Michigan fans very, very proud. Not just as a football coach... but as a true Michigan Man.

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Explaining Rich Rod Optimism (in depth)
Past History
You can look at numerous examples of guys who have taken over a program, changed it, and failed. Bill Callahan tried to turn Nebraska into a West Coast Offense and failed. There are also plenty of examples of coaches who have struggled in their first years, and gone on to see great success. Pete Carroll went 6-6 in his first year at USC. Bob Stoops went 7-5 in his first year at Oklahoma. Jim Tressel went 7-5 in his first year at Ohio State.
Since you can find multiple examples of both, it is more important to look at the individual cases. Jim Tressel also went 2-9 in his first year at Youngstown State before leading them to four 1-AA National Championships.
Accordingly, let's look at Rich Rodriguez's history.
Before Rodriguez arrived at Glenville State, they had not won a conference championship since 1958. It was as bad a program as you'll find. Glenville State's records in Rich Rod's first three years were 1-7-1, 4-5-1, and 6-4. In his fourth year, Glenville State won 10 games, starting a streak of four consecutive conference championships.
From Glenville State, Rodriguez took the offensive coordinator job at Tulane. In his first year, Tulane went 7-4. In his second year, Tulane went undefeated (12-0) and quarterback Shaun King became a star and was subsequently drafted into the NFL.

Rodriguez followed Tommy Bowden to Clemson in 1999. In 1999, Clemson was 6-6. In 2000, Clemson went 9-3 as quarterback Woody Dantzler slowly turned into a star and Heisman candidate.

After his years of success, Rodriguez took the job at West Virginia in 2001. In his first year, West Virginia struggled and went 3-8 (1-6). By comparison, in 2008 Michigan went 3-9 (2-6). In his second year, West Virginia improved greatly, went 9-4, and made a bowl game. When Rodriguez got his stud quarterback in 2005 with Pat White, West Virginia went 11-1 and beat Georgia in the Sugar Bowl.

Rich Rodriguez's coaching career has shown a clear trend.
1. Struggle the first year during an adjustment period.
2. Get a stud quarterback to develop.
3. Improve rapidly.
Michigan fulfilled #1 with their 3-9 record in 2008. They have Tate Forcier, Denard Robinson and Devin Gardner (in 2010) to fulfill #2. It's fair to assume that #3 will happen in the near future, considering Rodriguez's past history.

The Spread
Today, the spread offense has become widely popular and is used in many different ways. The many variations of the offense is something that is often overlooked. The Patriots run the spread offense, but they pass the ball forty times a game. Oklahoma ran a similar offense in 2008. Rich Rodriguez was impressed enough with Oklahoma's offense last year that he and the Michigan coaches visited Norman to learn from the Oklahoma coaches. Rodriguez is not one to settle, the offense is constantly evolving.
At Tulane and Clemson, Rodriguez's offenses ran the ball 54% of the time in his first year. At West Virginia, the offense ran the ball 57% of the time. In 2008, Michigan also ran the ball 57% of the time. At each stop, the percentage of running plays have gradually increased. This is largely because Rodriguez implements the system slowly because the zone-read offense that Rodriguez runs is a very complex system. Ask Urban Meyer.
Meyer consistently credits Rodriguez with teaching him the run spread offense that Meyer currently runs at Florida. But, if you watch Meyer's first year at Florida closely, you won't see the same playbook you see today. Meyer learned from Rodriguez that you can't implement the entire system at once. Meyer added the more complex plays in years two and three, just as Rodriguez suggested.

This explains the dull offense that Michigan fans complained about in 2008. It seemed, at times, that Michigan's offense ran only five or six plays. Well, they did. In 2009, the quarterbacks, running backs, and wide receivers will all have more options in those plays. Being more comfortable with the offense, they will be allowed to make reads based on the defenses they are facing. When everyone gets on the same page, the offense is scary good. Ask the Big East.
But, why not adjust?
I have little doubt that if Ryan Mallett, Mario Manningham, and Adrian Arrington would have stayed at Michigan, Rodriguez would have adjusted appropriately. But, they all left for various reasons. I have no problem with that, they were certainly entitled to do so.

So, with Steven Threet and Nick Sheridan, who really don't fit any successful offensive system well, Rodriguez was limited with what he could do. The offensive line was young and the wide receiver depth was pathetic. So, what benefit would have come from running a pass-style spread offense in 2008? I can't imagine Threet or Sheridan would have been any more effective in a pass-heavy offense.
Rather, the strength of the offense was the running back position. So, it makes perfect sense to dive into the zone-read, run-oriented offense immediately. If nothing else, Rodriguez was taking advantage of his strongest offensive position group-- the running backs. At the same time, Rodriguez could make the transition to the offense he is so well-known for quicker. Michigan was going to be a zone-read offense eventually. If they couldn't run a normal offense anyways, the immediate transition that Rodriguez made was an easy decision. Anyone suggesting he should have tried to run a pro-style offense is simply short sighted.
Transfers/The Barwis Effect
One of the biggest additions along with Rodriguez is strength and conditioning coach Mike Barwis. Barwis is an intense coach who is known across the country for his success in the weight room. With Barwis came a lot of change. Players were expected to dedicate a lot more time to strength and conditioning. Long gone was the time where players could go to practice and work out "on their own." If you don't want to put in the time with Mike Barwis, you won't be on the team.

The second major change was that offensive linemen were expected to run with everyone else. That was not the case under Lloyd Carr. Many of the offensive linemen signed up to play for the more relaxed Coach Carr. If you watched the transfers closely, most of them were offensive linemen: Justin Boren, Alex Mitchell, Jeremy Ciullo, Kurt Wermers, and Dann O'Neill. Rodriguez and his players have taken the high road, refusing to comment on players that have transferred. Rodriguez often says, "I only talk about players that play for Michigan."
Others close to the program have confirmed the change among offensive linemen running and the disdain many of the transfers showed to the change, particularly Boren, Mitchell, and Ciullo. But, that of course doesn't get printed.
Family Values
Relating to the transfer issue, Justin Boren made a quite a splash when he said after transferring, "I have great trouble accepting that those family values have eroded in just a few months." So, Justin transfers to Ohio State and days later his brother Zac, who didn't hold a Michigan offer, committed to Ohio State. I'm sure that was a big coincidence. Plus, he's in great shape!

One of Boren's main complaints was that the coaching staff used a lot of foul language. Well, you're not in junior high anymore. Coach Rodriguez has addressed this indirectly. Rodriguez and the coaches bring their entire families to practice. So, as Rodriguez said, if he feels comfortable enough swearing and yelling in front of his family (including his young son), could the stuff they are saying really be all that bad?
Kurt Wermers who transferred recently said, "Coach (Lloyd) Carr's staff was a whole different ballgame. It was like a family. But when Rodriguez came in, it was a whole different feeling." Days after Wermers transferred, it was announced that he was academically ineligible.
Sorry that you still have to go to class, Kurt.
The few guys that have been outspoken after their departures have created a lot of stir among the media. But, any player who transfers from a program is going to have some sort of agenda. Even so, not every transfer was entirely unhappy.
Toney Clemons said, "“I still love Michigan. It’s still my No. 1. Athletically, this is the right move for me."
Marell Evans recently transferred, going out the right way by saying of Rodriguez, ""He's a great man and I respect the man. He wanted me to think about this decision and said I'm a big part of the program. But I respectfully wanted to leave the program."
Clemons and Evans were nothing but grateful toward Rodriguez and the opportunities he gave them, but those comments were pushed to the fifth page of the sports section.
You ask current players and they speak nothing but highly of Rodriguez and his family values. On recruiting trips, Rodriguez and the coaches stand in front of all of the recruits and introduce them and their entire families. All of the coaches bring their families to practice and Schembechler Hall, something that reminds me of "family man" Tony Dungy. Players' families hold open invitations to attend practices.
All of this is clearly the work of a man who is intent on destroying the family values at the University of Michigan.
Speed, Speed, Speed
One notable difference that is not often discussed is the different type of players that Rich Rodriguez is bringing to Ann Arbor. Long gone are the days of 350 pound offensive linemen and half the roster coming from Michigan.
Of Michigan's incoming freshmen class, EIGHT come from Florida. Of Michigan's 2010 recruiting class, seven of the current commitments come from Ohio.
In-state recruiting is important. But now, Rodriguez is focusing on fast, talented states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida. Florida consistently produces the fastest players every year. It's no coincidence that Miami (FL), Florida State, and Florida always produce the best NFL athletes. Put those guys into a system like Rodriguez's that takes advantage of the athletic abilities of skill players, and you can't help but be optimistic.
Think back. How often were Michigan fans disappointed with a guy like Pierre Rembert or Justin Fargas who had tons of athletic ability that was never taken advantage of? Those days are gone. With Devin Gardner committed, Michigan fans can feel confident that they now have a system to take advantage of his abilities.
The Big Ten better take notice. Michigan will be back soon. Better than ever.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Finishing Out The Top 25 (11-25)
11. Oklahoma State
Oklahoma State is definitely a team to watch in 2009. If nothing else, their offense should be one of the most exciting offenses in the country. Quarterback Zac Robinson returns along with his favorite target Dez Bryant. He loses tight end and safety valve Brandon Pettigrew, but Bryant proved in 2008 that he can shoulder the offensive load. Expect Oklahoma State to struggle on defense, but they should be used to having to outscore their opponents. An even better offense in 2009 may allow Oklahoma State to break through and beat some of the top teams in the Big 12.
Critical Game: vs. Georgia, 9/05
12. California
Nate Longshore is gone at quarterback, but running back Jahvid Best should get some Heisman Trophy consideration in 2009. He is simply among the best running backs in the country. The offense should be fine as long as newcomer Kevin Riley doesn't make too many mistakes in throwing the ball. Cal's defense is where they will win games. They lose three of their four top linebackers, but everyone else returns on defense. If the offense can replace center Alex Mack and Nate Longshore, Cal could put some pressure on USC in the Pac 10.
Critical Game: vs. USC, 10/03
13. Georgia
Georgia has to replace their All-American backfield, with Matt Stafford and Knowshon Moreno both going to the NFL. Georgia has a lot of talented running backs to replace Moreno, but finding the correct quarterback might prove trouble. Veteran Joe Cox could be solid, but he has some young talent pushing him that might cause controversy in Athens. The defense should carry Georgia early on, hopefully long enough to find some stability at the quarterback position. With Florida in front of them, the SEC East title is probably a year or two away for Georgia.
Critical Game: @ Oklahoma State, 9/05
14. Oregon
First year coach Chip Kelly has a lot of talent to replace in Eugene. Quarterback Jeremiah Masoli came on strong at the end of 2008 and should provide some help at a critical position. Oregon has two 1000 yard running backs, but lose both of their top receivers. Defensively, Oregon was the worst in the Pac 10 in 2008 and loses their two best players to the NFL. It could be a long year defensively for Coach Kelly. Oregon is probably still a year or two away, so their #14 ranking is a little surprising.
Critical Game: @ Boise State, 9/03
15. Georgia Tech
In his first year in 2008, Coach Paul Johnson provided Georgia Tech fans with some offensive excitement. Johnson's run option offense proved deadly with stud running back Jonathan Dwyer receiving the majority of the carries. Dwyer returns along with 8 other offensive starters which should improve on the already outstanding 5.5 rushing yards per attempt. The defense also returns 8 starters, making for an extremely veteran GT squad. Don't sleep on the Yellow Jackets in 2009.
Critical Game: vs. Virginia Tech, 10/17
16. Boise State
Four year starter Ian Johnson is gone, but the strength of the Boise State offense lately has been the passing game. Kellen Moore returns at quarterback, but he needs some young talent to step up at both receiver and running back to help him out some. In 2008, Boise State's defense was dominant. Expect much of the same in 2009. If Boise State can get past the first game of the year, their weak schedule gives them a great chance of going undefeated.
Critical Game: Oregon, 9/03
17. TCU
TCU returns only 4 starters on a defense that was one of the best in the country in 2008. With plenty of talent waiting and defensive genius Gary Patterson as head coach, don't expect a huge drop off from the defense in 2009. The strength of the offense in 2008 should remain strong in 2009 as TCU returns several running backs and their entire offensive line. TCU is definitely a team to watch in 2009.
Critical Game: @ Virginia, 9/12
18. Utah
After an undefeated year, expectations at Utah should be high. Unfortunately, conference foe TCU should be tough and Utah loses most of their offense including quarterback Brian Johnson, their three top receivers, and all-world kicker/punter Louie Sakoda. If Utah wants to return to the BCS, they will have to do it behind their defense which returns eight starters. In any case, the Mountain West should open up some BCS eyes in 2009.
Critical Game: @ Oregon, 9/19
19. Florida State
Seeing Florida State in the top 25 has become increasingly uncommon in recent years, but they find their way back in 2009. They may not stay there for very long, though. Returning quarterback Christian Ponder made FSU fans ponder why he had the job in 2008, throwing almost more interceptions than touchdowns. The defense has been strong in previous years, but loses a ton of talent including All-Americans Everette Brown and Myron Rolle. It could be another long year in Talahassee for Bobby Bowden.
Critical Game: vs. Miami (FL), 9/07
20. North Carolina
Butch Davis has a ton of young talent on the offensive side of the ball, but quarterback TJ Yates struggled mightily in 2008. This year, he'll be without his favorite targets in Hakeem Nicks and Brandon Tate. If the young talent can step up on offense, they could be exciting to watch. Defensively is a similar story. The results weren't there last year, but there is a lot of young talent ready to step up. Lots of potential for Butch Davis's team in 2009.
Critical Game: @ Georgia Tech, 9/26
21. Iowa
Those top 5 recruiting classes Kirk Ferentz came up with are now seniors, so expectations are high at Iowa. Iowa will need to replace offensive star Shonn Greene, who is now in the NFL. If they can do that, the offense should be solid. The defense returns a lot, but they need to replace both starting defensive tackles. If Iowa can fill a few holes, they can surprise a lot of people in the Big Ten, which is there for the taking in 2009.
Critical Game: @ Penn State, 9/26
22. Nebraska
Bo Pelini's offense should struggle in 2009, since they are pretty much starting from scratch. Nebraska loses quarterback Joe Ganz, running back Marlon Lucky, and their top two receivers. If Nebraska wants to stay in the top 25, their defense will have to win games. The defense returns a lot, but they will need to find a way to stop the high-powered Big 12 offenses. It may be a long second year for Coach Pelini.
Critical Game: @ Virginia Tech, 9/19
23. Notre Dame
This is a critical year for Charlie Weis if he wants to keep his job. The offense is loaded with a mix of veteran leadership and young talent. If they don't find a running game, though, they will struggle like they did in 2008. The defense also has a lot of young talent, and new defensive coordinator Jon Tenuta should provide some spark on that side of the ball. The coaching staff is coaching for their jobs, so expect some more aggressiveness in 2009 from the Fighting Irish.
Critical Game: @ Michigan, 9/12
24. Brigham Young
BYU loses some of their supporting roles offensively, but they return a great starting backfield in Max Hall and Harvey Unga. Defensively, BYU returns 8 starters from a mediocre defense in 2009. The key to BYU this year may be the offensive line which needs to come together to help out the talented skill players the Cougars have in the backfield.
Critical Game: vs. Oklahoma, 9/05
25. Oregon State
After a surprisingly good 2008 including a victory over USC, expectations are high in Corvallis for 2009. The Rodgers brothers provide talent at both the running back and wide receiver positions. Defensively, Oregon State returns only three starters. If they don't fill a lot of holes, it may be a disappointing year for Beaver fans in 2009.
Critical Game: @ USC, 10/24
Friday, August 7, 2009
Breaking Down the Top 25 (Top 10)
1. Florida
Hard to argue with the defending champions as #1 considering they bring back most significant contributors not named Percy Harvin. With Tim Tebow and a young defense all gaining a year of maturity, Florida should be back better than ever.
Critical Game: @ LSU, 10/10

2. Texas
Colt McCoy should be a Heisman front runner along with Tebow and Bradford, but Texas has to replace their entire defensive line, including All-American Brian Orakpo. McCoy also loses his favorite target in Quan Cosby. Outside of the defensive line, the defense is loaded. If the line can hold up, Texas should win the Big 12.
Critical Game: @ Oklahoma State, 10/31

3. Oklahoma
Sam Bradford and his stable of running backs return, but Bradford too loses his favorite target in Juaquin Iglesias. In front of Bradford will be four new offensive linemen who will need to mesh early if Oklahoma wants to compete with Texas. The defense should be solid, but both starting safeties from 2008 are gone including stud Nic Harris. #3 might be asking a little too much of Oklahoma. Sam Bradford will have to carry this team for a while.
Critical Game: @ Miami (FL), 10/03
4. Southern Cal
Mark Sanchez and the entire group of starting linebackers left for the NFL. Fortunately for USC, they have an absurd amount of talent just waiting to step in and contribute. Whether it be Aaron Corp or Matt Barkley, USC will have a talented signal caller taking the snaps. And low expectations by their standards may be helpful for the Trojans.
Critical Game: @ Ohio State, 9/12

5. Alabama
This one surprises me a little bit. Alabama brings 9 starters back from a great defense, but they lose secondary leader Rashad Johnson and lack a true pass rusher. On offense, Alabama loses arguably their three offensive leaders-- John Parker Wilson, Glen Coffee, and Andre Smith. Wilson was never anything special, but he was steady and didn't make a lot of mistakes. Julio Jones will need to make some big plays to help out the offense or Alabama may disappoint some people in 2009.
Critical Game: vs. Virginia Tech, 9/05
6. Ohio State
Star quarterback Terrelle Pryor returns, but Ohio State has a lot to replace in 2009. On defense, the Buckeyes lose their three best players in James Laurinaitis, Malcolm Jenkins, and Marcus Freeman. Even so, the secondary and defensive line should still be very good. Ross Homan is the lone returning linebacker, and needs to become a leader early to replace what was lost with Laurinaitis. On offense, Pryor loses leading rusher Chris Wells and will likely need to pass more, but without the services of Brians Robiskie and Hartline. Now is Pryor's chance to shine.
Critical Game: vs. USC, 9/12

7. Virginia Tech
After winning the ACC, Virginia Tech only loses six starters from 2008. The biggest loss is cornerback Macho Harris, but as always, Virginia Tech will re-load defensively. The real key to 2009 for Va Tech is quarterback Tyrod Taylor. Taylor is extremely athletic to the point where he probably reminds VT fans of a former quarterback who wore #7. If Taylor plays well, Virginia Tech can be a serious national championship contender.
Critical Game: vs. Alabama, 9/05
8. Penn State
The starting backfield of Darryl Clark and Evan Royster returns for the Nittany Lions in 2009. Unfortunately for Penn State, Clark and Royster are two of the few significant starters returning. Only four defensive starters return, and defensive ends Aaron Maybin and Maurice Evans are not among them. Clark also loses three offensive linemen in front of him. Penn State could struggle a little more than what the pollsters expect. A returning starting quarterback does not a team make.
Critical Game: vs. Iowa, 9/26
9. LSU
The strength of LSU in 2009 should be the defensive backfield. If the defensive line can replace top ten pick Tyson Jackson and defensive tackle Ricky Jean-Francois, the defense should be back to what we have come to expect from LSU. Offensively, quarterback Jordan Jefferson made strides in 2008 and should take the starting job for himself in 2009. If nothing else, Jefferson has excellent help in star running back Charles Scott. Expect LSU to return to form in 2009.
Critical Game: vs. Florida, 10/10
10. Mississippi
Former Texas quarterback Jevan Snead has made a name for himself at Ole Miss, partly due to his excellent performance in the upset over Florida in 2008. Snead loses his blindside protector in Michael Oher, however. If Ole Miss can improve on their poor pass defense, they can compete with LSU for the SEC West title.
Critical Game: vs. Alabama, 10/10
Thursday, August 6, 2009
2009 Michigan Football PREVIEW
First losing season since 1967
Most losses (9) in a single season
First five game long losing streak to Ohio State
First loss to Michigan State since 2001
Add to those the belief among many critics that Michigan football is going in a poor direction and it becomes clear that 2009 is a critical year for Michigan football. Will Rich Rod's team rebound well? Will they continue their plummet? Let's break it down.
Undoubtedly, the quarterback play in 2008 was a huge reason for the poor play of the offense. Steven Threet wasn't mobile enough and Nick Sheridan's arm wasn't strong enough. Enter Tate Forcier. Anyone who watched Tate in the spring game came away nothing but impressed. Tate showed excellent quickness in evading defenders as well as superb accuracy. Forcier threw only a couple bad throws the entire scrimmage, and seemed to make good decisions throughout. Obviously, when he plays against defenses that are looking to knock him out of games, he may not be quite as accurate or as daring. But, Forcier proved that he has the ability that Threet and Sheridan lacked. Tate will start against Western Michigan, and I expect him to exceed true freshman expectations.
Tate Forcier is not the only true freshman quarterback that will see playing time in 2009. Denard Robinson will provide Rich Rod the breakaway speed at the quarterback position that he had at West Virginia in Pat White. For several weeks in the spring, Denard Robinson held the best 100M dash time of any high schooler in the country. Denard brings an athleticism to the quarterback position that has never before been seen in Ann Arbor. He will almost certainly see snaps as a result. Don't be surprised if you see Tate and Denard both in the backfield at some point.
Running Backs
The strength of Michigan's offense in 2008 becomes even stronger in 2009. Brandon Minor and Carlos Brown both return, and Rich Rod has hinted at using them in the backfield together in 2009. Minor is the power to Brown's speed. Add speedy newcomers Vincent Smith, Teric Jones, and Fitzgerald Toussaint to the mix, and offensive coordinator Calvin McGee has to be loving the options he has in the backfield. Vincent Smith came into Ann Arbor in the spring and impressed everyone that saw him. Just today, Rich Rod said that strength and conditioning coach Mike Barwis told him that Teric Jones was the most impressive newcomer in the weight room. Barwis's praise is great to hear considering most of Jones's critics were concerned mostly about his size and strength. At fullback, Mark Moundros returns and is expected to see an even bigger role in the offense. Moundros is solid at a critical position in the spread offense. Expect to see a lot of different ball carriers and combinations in the backfield for Michigan this year.
Wide Receivers
This is the offensive position that I worry about most in 2009. There are lots of bodies at wide receiver, but someone needs to step up finally. At the slot, Martavius Odoms showed flashes of brilliance in 2008. If he can continue to improve and hold onto the ball, Odoms can be a valuable contributor at another critical position in the spread offense. Joining Odoms at the slot position are Roy Roundtree, Terrence Robinson, and Jeremy Gallon. Roundtree and Robinson were both redshirted in 2008. Roundtree has impressed people in practice with his good hands and football IQ. Robinson was injured in 2008. If he can stay healthy in 2009, T-Rob would provide the shifty complement to Odoms's straight-line speed. Jeremy Gallon is a true freshman who was one of the best wide receivers in the Army All-American practices in January. Gallon has already generated Steve Breaston comparisons. Look for Gallon to contribute on special teams immediately.
On the outside, Greg Matthews is a senior who has been fairly productive his entire career. He's not big or fast, but he has pretty good hands and gives the offense the steady option that any true freshman quarterback desperately needs. Darryl Stonum is a freak athletically, but needs to prove that he can be productive on the field. Coming off an injury, JR Hemingway is a question mark that could provide some depth among the outside recievers that is badly needed.
The tight end position might be the one saving grace. Kevin Koger was impressive whenever he touched the field in 2009 and Brandon Moore and Martell Webb will provide excellent depth.
Tate Forcier will need a couple guys to step up and be productive. If no one does, it could be another long year for the offense.
Offensive Line
The offensive line was another one of the biggest problems in 2008. With nearly everyone returning after an offseason working with Mike Barwis, there is plenty of reason to believe that the offensive line will be improved in 2009. Perhaps the most exciting news for the Michigan offensive line is that Mark Huyge has apparently stepped up enough to provide another legitimate right tackle starter. With Huyge at right tackle, Steve Schilling can move inside to right guard where he should be. The move of Schilling to guard is a huge move for the offensive line. Schilling has played out of position for two years and it has shown. Expect big things out of Steve Schilling this year. Mark Ortmann and David Moosman should start at left tackle and left guard, respectively. David Molk will remain the starting center and should continue to improve as he did during the 2008 season. If the offensive line plays to the level they are capable of, the Michigan offense should run much better in 2009.
Defensive Line
The defensive line is undeniably the strength of Michigan's defense in 2009. At defensive end, Brandon Graham has All-American potential. If he continues to progress normally, Graham should end up with 10+ sacks and even more tackles for loss. As a freshman, Mike Martin proved to be a force at defensive tackle. He's not huge, but he is extremely strong and is relentless in attacking the backfield and clogging up holes. In three down linemen sets, Martin will be the nose tackle. The third man in those sets will likely be Ryan Van Bergen. RVB came to Michigan as a defensive end, and has been a notoriously hard worker his entire career. Now a junior, Van Bergen should get his chance to start. Don't expect anything flashy from Van Bergen, but he should be solid enough. When Michigan runs a 4-3, RVB will probably shift to defensive end, leaving a spot alongside Mike Martin. That spot will likely go to either Ronald Sagesse or Will Campbell. Campbell is a raw, but extremely talented true freshman from Cass Tech. He may struggle his freshman year, but he's going to be an All-American someday. Sagesse has lost somewhere around 40 pounds and is in great shape. I would expect Sagesse to play the majority of time, with Campbell coming in occasionally to try to get to the quarterback.
The linebacker position was a glaring weakness in the 2008 Michigan defense. Obi Ezeh and Jonas Mouton return as starters. Ezeh makes a lot of tackles, but he is extremely poor in pass coverage. Mouton is a converted safety who is gradually learning the position. Mouton showed some progress in 2008. Hopefully, for Michigan fans' sakes, he continues to improve. New defensive coordinator Greg Robinson brings with him two new "hybrid" positions. The first is a DE/LB mix. Look for Brandon Herron or Marell Evans to start there. Evans struggled mightily when he played in 2008 but is supposedly a practice warrior. Herron is a little smaller and quicker, which might appeal to Robinson if he wants to get to the quarterback more. The second hybrid position is a safety/LB mix. Steve Brown is the starter there. Brown has struggled to the point of benching in his Michigan football career. But, his speed and talent are undeniable. Brown has shown an ability to run down and tackle the ball carrier on special teams. The move to closer to the line of scrimmage should help Brown a lot as most of his struggles have come in pass coverage. If the Michigan coaches can create schemes to keep Steve Brown moving forward, I think he could have a breakout year.
Defensive Backs
The cornerbacks are pretty set in stone with Boubacar Cissoko and Donovan Warren. Cissoko impressed a lot of people as a true freshman, and there's nothing to suggest he won't keep improving. Warren struggled after shining as a frosh, but that was mostly due to a combination of injuries and not seeing eye-to-eye with former DC Scott Shafer. If Warren is healthy and buys in to the new defensive schemes, Michigan has a great cornerback duo for the next two years. At safety, there is a lot of young talent. Troy Woolfolk has emerged as a lock to start at one of the safety positions. Troy's dad Butch was a star at Michigan, and his son has the chance to be one as well. Woolfolk should provide some speed at the safety position the like of which Michigan football hasn't seen in a long time. The other safety position will likely go to Mike Williams, who would be the hard hitter, and a nice complement to Troy Woolfolk. If Williams isn't starting, it's because true freshman Vlad Emilien has impressed people from the moment he stepped on campus. Vlad suffered an injury, though, so expect Williams to start initially. The defensive back group should, without a doubt, be improved in 2009.
Projected Starting Lineup:
QB- Tate Forcier
RB- Brandon Minor
FB- Mike Moundros
WR- Greg Matthews
WR- Darryl Stonum
WR- Martavious Odoms
TE- Kevin Koger
OT- Mark Ortmann
OT- Mark Huyge
OG- Steve Schilling
OG- David Moosman
C- David Molk
DE- Brandon Graham
NT- Mike Martin
DT/DE- Ryan Van Bergen
LB- Obi Ezeh
LB- Jonas Mouton
LB/DE- Brandon Herron
LB/S- Steve Brown
CB- Boubacar Cissoko
CB- Donovan Warren
S- Troy Woolfolk
S- Mike Williams
Sports Illustrated Links
Listed under "The Benedict Arnolds of Sports" (August 7, 2008)
Listed under "Speaking of School Rankings..." (August 29, 2008)
Listed under "Go-Away Team" (September 9, 2008)
Coming up later tonight: 2009 Michigan Football preview
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Diaper Dandies-- College Football Edition
Matt Barkley (Southern Cal)
With Mark Sanchez gone, USC looked to their other ten 5 star QB recruits to replace him. Aaron Corp looked to be the heir apparent, but Barkley has impressed people to the point where those within the USC program believe he could start from Day One in Los Angeles. I have a feeling that Corp will get the starting job at least until after the Ohio State game. But, look for Barkley to play significant minutes in 2009 for the Trojans.
Tate Forcier (Michigan)
Tate may not be the second or even fifth ranked quarterback coming out of high school, but he's certainly one of the most polished. And, considering the turmoil surrounding the Michigan football program and, in particular, the QB position, Forcier will be expected to come in and start right away. Luckily for Forcier, he does not have very large shoes to fill, as Steven Threet and Nick Sheridan did nothing but suck last year. Still, Forcier may be the most scrutinized true freshman in college football next year. With his accuracy and football IQ, I expect Tate to exceed expectations.
Bryce Brown (Tennessee)
With Arian Foster leaving, Tennessee is razor thin at the running back position. Luckily, they landed what some recruiting sites (including Rivals.com) believe is the best incoming freshman in the country. At 6 foot 215, Brown has plenty of size to go with his blazing speed. When you find a running back with Brown's size/power and speed combination, you hold onto him. Brown should see the majority of carries for Lane Kiffin this year. I would expect some productive numbers along with a few runs that make their way onto ESPN's Top 10 plays. Fellow true freshman David Oku should also give Tennessee a decent back-up option to Brown.
Rueben Randle (LSU)
With speedsters Trindon Holliday and Chris Mitchell and a maturing quarterback in Jordan Jefferson, LSU needs that impact, outside wide receiver that can take over games. At 6'3 Rueben Randle can be that guy. While his size is excellent, Randle is also pretty fast and has the ability to make defenders miss in the open field. Randle was made in the same mold as the aforementioned Green, Floyd, and Jones. There is nothing to suggest that Randle's impact won't be similar to these guys. LSU was looking for an outside WR... and they found one.
D.J. Fluker (Alabama)
Generally, offensive linemen are not found among the impact freshmen in college football. Well, D.J. Fluker is not your typical true freshman offensive lineman. Most offensive linemen don't end their high school careers at 6'7, 350. Combine Fluker's amazing size with the departure of offensive tackle and anchor Andre Smith, Fluker has the chance to be an impact player right away. Look for a lot of pancake blocks on the left end of the Alabama offensive linemen from Fluker.
Manti Te'o (Notre Dame)
When Te'o committed to Notre Dame, relief came to South Bend like a truck load of Rolaids. For the first time in Charlie Weis's tenure at Notre Dame, he landed a big-time, impact defensive recruit. Offensive talent has been plentiful. The defense has been putrid. Te'o gives defensive coordinator Corwin Brown and defensive genius Jon Tenuta a linebacker who has the ability to both rush the passer and drop back in coverage at an elite level. The commitment of Te'o to Notre Dame surprised everyone. So will the sight of a talented defensive player on the football field in South Bend in the fall.
Jacobbi McDaniel (Florida State)
Jacobbi McDaniel looks to join a long list of talented Florida State defensive linemen that includes names such as Warren Sapp, Corey Simon, Darnell Dockett, and recently drafted Everette Brown. McDaniel isn't huge and only stands six foot tall. So, while he may not be ready to be an every-down defensive tackle, expect McDaniel to see the field a lot. McDaniel plays extremely fast from the DT position, an asset that could prove very valuable. Opposing ACC quarterbacks will see a lot of Jacobbi McDaniel this year... while on their backs.
Dre Kirkpatrick (Alabama)
If you follow football closely enough, you will notice that there is a sort of height threshold when it comes to cornerbacks. Rarely do you see cornerbacks much taller than 6 foot. At 6'2 with extreme quickness, Kirkpatrick has many believing that he can be one of those rare tall cornerbacks. If so, his height can provide a huge benefit when it comes to defending jump balls. And, if the cornerback thing doesn't work out, Kirkpatrick could prove to be a stud safety. With his athleticism and versatility, Alabama will find a spot somewhere for him in the defensive backfield.
Others to Watch:
Will Campbell, DT, Michigan
Ray Ray Armstrong, S, Miami (FL)
Craig Loston, S, LSU
Greg Reid, DB, Florida State
Monday, August 3, 2009
Are Detroit Sports Fans the best? Tiger answers!
It has become the cool thing to do... the jobs are doing it, the money's doing it, now the golf tournament is also. Despite just another thing leaving the state, the people of the state of Michigan came out to support the Buick Open because... well, that's what Detroit sports fans do. When I say Detroit sports fans, I'm referring to more than just the city of the Detroit. In the case of Detroit sports teams, the immediate fan base extends to the entire state of Michigan.
I have always contended that Detroit sports fans are among the most loyal in the country. They don't just support one sport. The Lions, Tigers, Red Wings, and Pistons are all strongly supported to the point that I couldn't begin to tell you whether Detroit is basketball, football, hockey, or baseball town (despite the Hockeytown nickname). They don't abandon a losing franchise. The Lions have continued to sell out games despite their pathetic existence.
Even in this terrible economy, where the state of Michigan is affected moreso than any other state, Michigan fans came out to support a tournament that was leaving them. Fans did not have to spend the money for gas, tickets, and concessions. No one would have blamed them. House payments are much more important. But, the support remained strong. And, it did not go unnoticed. Tiger Woods commented on the amazing fan support in his post-tournament press conference.
Q. Tiger, from Wednesday through Sunday, seemed like every five seconds, somebody said "thanks for coming, Tiger. Thanks for coming." Do you recall ever being in a tournament where so many people thanked you? And just kind of talk about what that means to you, and this tournament.
TIGER WOODS: No. I've never played, as I said, in front of fans like this. This has been incredible, especially what's going on here in the area, for everyone to come out, it just makes it that much more special for all of us.
And as I said, I've been here since '99, and I've always enjoyed coming here. Only two years I haven't played here is because of the birth of my child, and my knee wasn't very good last year. So that's the only two times I haven't played here.
Q. Tiger, with the future of this event in doubt, combined with the fact there's no Majors scheduled in and around round Michigan or Oakland Hills in the next several years, do you have any thoughts of this potentially being your final competitive round playing in the state of Michigan?
TIGER WOODS: Well, it's unfortunate. But that's the case. As I said, the people here have always been excited for us to come out and play, and they've always supported this event.
All the years they've always come out in droves, and I'm very appreciative of that. Hopefully we do get to come back here in this area, this region soon, because the fans here are so excited about golf. They're pretty much sports nuts anyways, and for us to come out here and play, you know, it's always been special.
Tiger was certainly under no obligation to make such comments. In fact, comments like this are by no means commonplace for Tiger. But, he noticed. So, be proud Detroit fans... your efforts were appreciated.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Ranking College Football Coaches
Age/Longevity: Completely objective. Ranked according to 5 year intervals.
(Scores of 10: Urban Meyer, Rich Rodriguez, Chris Petersen, Greg Schiano)
Recruiting: Pretty self-explanatory. Who is getting the most talent?
(Scores of 10: Pete Carroll—in a class of his own)
Game Prep/Schemes: Special credit to guys like Mike Leach, Rich Rodriguez, and Gary Patterson who have developed their own offensive/defensive schemes that have become popular.
(Scores of 10: Rich Rodriguez, Brian Kelly, Mike Leach, Gary Patterson, Paul Johnson)
In-Game Coaching: Who makes good halftime adjustments? “Second half” teams get priority here.
(Scores of 10: Frank Beamer, Jim Grobe)
“It” Factor: Some guys have “it,” most don’t. “It” is why JoePa still gets 5-star 18 year olds, why Nick Saban is able to fill Alabama’s spring game after a miserable season.
(Scores of 10: Nick Saban, Pete Carroll, Joe Paterno)
After assessing all of these categories for all 26 coaches, the official rankings are below. Keep in mind, these are not necessarily the best coaches or the best recruiters. Rather, they reflect who I would choose as my coach if I were allowed to pick anyone, based on the 5 categories mentioned previously.
1. Urban Meyer (47.5)
T2. Nick Saban (46)
T2. Mark Richt (46)
T2. Rich Rodriguez (46)
T5. Bob Stoops (45.5)
T5. Brian Kelly (45.5)
T5. Chris Petersen (45.5)
T8. Pete Carroll (45)
T8. Frank Beamer (45)
T8. Mike Leach (45)
T11. Jim Tressel (44.5)
T11. Greg Schiano (44.5)
T13. Mack Brown (44)
T13. Jeff Tedford (44)
T15. Kirk Ferentz (43.5)
T15. Gary Patterson (43.5)
T15. Randy Edsall (43.5)
T15. Paul Johnson (43.5)
T19. Jim Grobe (43)
T19. Les Miles (43)
21. Steve Spurrier (42.5)
22. Mark Mangino (42)
23. Gary Pinkel (41.5)
T24. Joe Paterno (40)
T24. Houston Nutt (40)
T24. Dennis Erickson (40)